
2022-09-22 06:06


您当前位置:首娄底页 企业GB柔性填料的施工技巧

GB柔性填料的施工技巧来源:衡水明兴工程橡胶有限公司日期:作者:bolt are transported to the corresponding construction site with the steel bar trolley.

SR塑性嵌缝材料是指GB塑性填料和SR塑性填料,SR系列塑性嵌缝止水材料现正被广泛应用水电工程,在面板坝所有可能产生渗漏的砼接缝迎水面,包括周边缝、垂直缝、防浪墙缝、趾板接缝和砼裂缝等,进行的以SR系列止水材料为主的柔性封缝防渗设置和施工,以形成的封闭性柔性防渗止水系统,已成为砼接缝中一道重要的止水。其与其他止水材料相比,具有可塑才能够保证实验机的正常运转性好、抗渗性强、耐久性高、稳定性好的特点,且施工投入的人员相对较少、便于加工成型、施工工艺简单、造价低廉。在SR一2配方中加入部分纳米材料,赋予SR锯石机一2配方独特的改性性能,全面提升SR产品品质。 SR plastic sealing material is GB plastic filler and SR plastic filler, SR series plastic seal material. It has been widely used in hydropower projects, dam all possible leakage of concrete joint upstream, including peripheral joints and vertical joints, wall joints, joints and cracks of concrete plinth. In the SR series of sealing material based flexible sealing diaphragm arrangement and construction, with closed flexible seepage system formed, has become one of the most important concrete joint in water. Compared with other sealing自动求取式样的抗拉强度、最大破断力等指标 液压元件materials, it has the characteristics of good plasticity, strong impermeability, high durability and good stability, and less investment in construction, easy processing and molding, simple construction process and low cost. Some nano materials are added to the SR 2 formula, which gives the unique modification performance of the SR 2 formula to improve the quality of SR. 性能特点: Performance characteristics: (1)物理性能在SR一2配方采用的纳米材料粒径小、表面积大、表面活性高,与橡胶浆基料溶合均匀后,相当于增加了橡胶浆基料的比例,降低了配方的颜基比,因此可以提高SR配方的抗渗性、延伸性、粘结性等。 (1) physical properties used in the SR 2 formula of nano materials with small particle size, large surface area, high surface activity, and the rubber base material slurry mix evenly, equivalent to an increase of the proportion of latex binder, reduce pigment formulation ratio, so it can improve the impermeability, extension and the adhesion of SR formula. (2)耐热性纳米颗粒间的间隙比普通填料颗粒间隙大为减小,因此纳米颗粒间对基料高分子的吸附力大大增强,在基料高分子间增加了大量的微观桥架结构,使基料的耐热稳定性提高,极大地改善了SR材料的热稳定性。 (2) the gap heat resistance of nano particles than ordinary filler particles clearance is reduced, so the nano particles on the adsorption capacity of polymer base material greatly enhanced in polymer base material is added between a large number of micro bridge structure, the thermal stability of base material improved, greatly improved the thermal stability of SR materials. (3)耐腐蚀 SR一2(以下简称SR)塑性嵌缝材料系填在周边缝顶部预留“倒△”形槽内,必须粘紧密实,并呈弧形向上隆起,以便能更好地适应面板变形,在其表面采用聚氯乙烯塑料带包盖密封(死水位以上采用钢片),要用角钢通过螺栓将其嵌固在砼上。SR塑性嵌缝材料施工前应先将其与砼结合部位用钢丝刷刷去砼表面的乳皮,然后用高压水枪冲洗干净,风干后再用。 (3) corrosion SR 2 (hereinafter referred to as SR) the plastic sealing material filling in the peripheral joint top reserved inverted triangular groove, you must stick with dense, and curved upward, in order to better adapt to the deformation of the panel, on the surface of the PVC plastic tape sealing cover (dead water level by using more steel), with the angle through the bolt embedded in concrete. SR plastic sealing material construction should be preceded with the concrete binding site to use wire brush on the surface of concrete milk skin, and then rinse with water cannons, dry and then. 施工方法: Construction methods: (1)施工准备用钢筋台车将“SR”填料、“SR”防渗盖板、电镀角钢及电镀膨胀螺栓等运至相应的施工部位。 (1) in the construction preparation, the "SR" packing, the "SR" anti seepage cover plate, the electroplating angle steel and the electroplating expansion bolt are transported to the corresponding construction site with the steel bar trolley. (2)嵌缝处理用钢刷将预留“v”槽内两侧清理干净,再用水冲洗槽内外,除去缝面上的灰砂。“V”槽清理干净后自然晾干。 (2) the steel brush will be reserved for the "V" slot on both sides of clean caulking treatment, then rinse tank inside and outside, remove seam on the surface of the sand. The "V" trough is cleaned and dried naturally. (3)“SR”填料填缝用黏合剂将槽内、外壁均匀涂刷一遍,外壁要相应涂刷的宽一些,不可漏刷。黏合剂刷好晾1h后,手感快干时,先在槽底沿槽走向放置一条PVC棒。再将“SR”如排除这类缘由填料均匀切成条状压入槽内,并在外壁按设计要求的弧状堆起50px高。最后用手捶捶紧,嵌填一定要密实。“SR”填料嵌填完毕后,要及时盖上“SR”防渗盖板,再用冲击钻钻孔,安装电镀角钢后埋设10 x75电镀膨胀螺栓,间距为400mm。利用电镀角钢通过电镀膨胀螺栓将“SR”防渗盖板嵌固在砼上。 (3) "SR" filling sealant with the adhesive to the inner and outer wall of the groove evenly painted, the outer wall should be coated with a wide range of brushes, no leakage br平垫圈ush. When the adhesive is brushed to dry the 1H, when the feel is dry quickly, a PVC stick is placed at the bottom of the slot at the bottom of the groove. Then the "SR" uniform filler strips pressed into the groove, and the outer wall of the arc-shaped pile according to the design requirements of 50px high. At last thump with your hands, and the inlay must be dense. After the completion of the SR filler, the "SR" impervious cover plate should be covered in time. Then the drill hole is drilled and the plati同时又具有多方向受力和多层结构的新型增强特点ng angle steel is placed. Then the 10 x75 plating expansion bolt is embedded, and the spacing is 400mm. The "SR" anti seepage cover plate is embedded in the concrete by using the electroplated angle steel through the plating expansion bolt.


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